I had been living in my studio building for a couple of years but when my girlfriend came to live with me we found it too cramped and decided to look for a small house not too far away. Eventually we found a nice three bedroom house with a garden about a mile to the north. Between the house and the studio lies the Regents Canal, it's a fairly run down stretch of canal but I used it for a while as a jogging route in the mornings. I would run along roads heading east till I reached Victoria Park. There is a gate onto the canal and from there I would run back home along the toe path. After a few months my back started to react badly to the hard pavements and my physiotherapist said I should drop the jogging. Instead I installed a cross-country ski machine in the studio and now I exercise there. It's less stressful but more boring. I find it easier to keep going if I close my eyes and picture the route along the canal