I only had a vague idea of the lay out of Scandinavia. My Swedish gallerist told me that I could easily drive from Stockholm to Oslo where I had a gallery to visit and then on to Stavanger on the West coast of Norway from where I could fly home to London. He booked the air tickets and arranged the hire car. These days when I make an exhibition abroad I tend to do it as quickly as possible so as not to loose a whole week's work and to be back in time for the weekends when I see my eldest daughter. I get flash images of towns like Vienna or Chicago, spending more time in airports and galleries than looking around. Once decided it hadn't been too hard to keep a week clear of meetings and commitments
I only had a vague idea of the lay out of Scandinavia. My Swedish gallerist told me that I could easily drive from Stockholm to Oslo where I had a gallery to visit and then on to Stavanger on the West coast of Norway from where I could fly home to London. He booked the air tickets and arranged the hire car. These days when I make an exhibition abroad I tend to do it as quickly as possible so as not to loose a whole week's work and to be back in time for the weekends when I see my eldest daughter. I get flash images of towns like Vienna or Chicago, spending more time in airports and galleries than looking around. Once decided it hadn't been too hard to keep a week clear of meetings and commitments